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Drying line

Function :

In the hot wind drying method, firewood, coal, diesel, natural gas and other fuel can be used for generating energy. The raw crumb rubber is dried by the hot wind with the temperature from 90℃ to 125℃. The characteristic of the drying line is to use part of the exhaust gas recycling to reduce the heat loss for fuel saving. The hot wind is drawn into the drying line by the draught fan. After penetrating though the rubber for several times, part of the wind has been drawn back to the burner, while other part of the wind with high humidity has been discharged. In the front part of the drying line, due to the low temperature and high moisture content of the raw crumb rubber, the hot wind generates heat and penetrates the rubber, taking the moisture away. This part of air, containing less heat and high humidity, is useless and will be discharged. In the rear part of drying line, as the air gets drier, the temperature higher, and the moisture content lower, it requires less heat consumption when the hot wind penetrates the rubber. With less moisture content and higher temperature, this hot wind is able to be drawn back to the burner for recycle and energy saving. A odor scrubber tower is available in the drying line. The filling and spray system of the scrubber has been improved and won high reputation from our customers.
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Drying line
Drying line
Drying line
Drying line
Drying line
Drying line
Drying line
Drying line
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