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Fiber open machine

Work Principle :

1、Raw materials enter the equipment from the feeding device. 2、Crushing raw materials through rapid rotation of the blade head inside the equipment 3、The blade head rotates at a high speed to stir and knead the materials into filaments which discharged through the outlet.4、The leaky holes of kneading box separates the impurities from the finished product effectively 5、Generally, the finished material needs to be screened once by the bran sifter in order to further purify the finished material.

Function :

Fiber open machine is a kind equipment that loose and knead the hard skin of oil palm, palm and coconut shell into filaments.The product from the fiber open machine is the raw material for the production of palm mattresses, insoles and seat cushions in our country.
  • Consultation Hotline:+86-759-3836778
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
Fiber open machine
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