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Botoriess curemeter

Work Principle :

The machine meets the requirements of GB/T 16584 "Rubber - Measurement of vulcanization characteristics by Rotorless vulcanizer", ISO 6502 and Italian standards for T10, T30, T50, T60 and T90 data.The machine is used to determine the characteristics of unvulcanized rubber and find out the most suitable vulcanization time of rubber compound.The machine adopts imported intelligent digital temperature control instrument, which is easy to adjust and set, wide temperature control range and high control precision. Its stability, reproducibility and accuracy are superior to those of general rotor vulcanizer.Computer control and interface board are used to collect, save, process and print data, which makes the function more powerful. It fully shows the characteristics of high automation. It also has the functions of curve comparison and enlargement. Using WINDOWS series operating system platform and graphical software operation interface, the digital processing is more accurate, and user test operation is simple, fast, flexible and easy to maintain.
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Botoriess curemeter
Botoriess curemeter
Botoriess curemeter
Botoriess curemeter
Botoriess curemeter
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