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Banana stem chipping machine

Work Principle :

The chain propulsion device is used to push the banana stem along its axial direction,and the blade cut the stem into two pieces along the axial direction of the banana stem.The production of processing banana stem is about 5t/h which working efficiency is 20 times higher than the manual method.

Function :

This machine mainly chips the banana stem into sheet to achieve mechanization and continuous operation instead of manual fragmentation.
  • 咨詢熱線:+86-759-3836778


Banana Stem Chipping Machine
Model XJPP-2900 XJPP-2900A
Power 1.5kw 3kw
Blade Length  305mm 550mm
Max.Cutting Length 1800mm 2000mm
Max.Banana Stem Diameter 190mm 500mm
Dimension 2900*920*970mm 4347*1280*1187mm
Weight 280kg 430kg
Capacity 3000kg/hr 5000kg/hr
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